Digital Citizenship

Having knowledge of digital citizenship allowed me to accurately model and implement a safe, responsible, and ethical environment while using technology. It was very important for me to model an effective way to use the required technology in my lesson plans. First grade students often need explicit instruction and these instructions are imperative when using technology to ensure effective access and equitable learning. I was able to model for students how to appropriately and safely use technology inside our classroom. While showing students how to use google images, I was able to teach them how to follow the school and district policies for digital citizenship. These include: appropriate researching techniques, copyright, and fair-use. The digital citizenship assignments aided me in creating a plan that worked for my students. 



  1. Ability to model safe, responsible, legal and ethical use of technology and implement school and district acceptable use policies including fair-use and copyright guidelines and Internet user protection policies.
  2. Ability to develop and implement a classroom management plan to ensure equitable and effective student access to available technology resources.
  3. Ability to promote, model, and communicate the safe, legal and ethical principles of digital citizenship, equitable access, digital etiquette, and responsible online social interactions in a global culture including respect for copyright, intellectual property, the appropriate documentation of sources, and Internet user protection policies.